Why BMT Tax Depreciation?

As Australia’s leading supplier of tax depreciation schedules,
BMT Tax Depreciation will help you achieve the most accurate and highest
possible deductions for your clients.

We prepare tens of thousands of depreciation schedules every year and find residential property investors almost $9,000 in first full financial year tax deductions on average. We find commercial property investors tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars.

Our detailed knowledge of relevant tax legislation ensures your clients always lodge a complete claim for the depreciation of their investment properties during their tax assessment, minimising risk in the event of an audit.

Our schedules include the following components:

A detailed forty-year forecast outlining all depreciable items

Both prime cost and diminishing value methods of depreciation to help you decide which method is best for the client

The effective life and depreciation rate for all division 40 (plant and equipment) assets

A capital loss schedule and all qualifying deductions for clients affected by 2017’s legislation changes regarding residential plant and equipment assets

Low value and small-to-medium business entity pools, and instant asset write-off

Our schedules also:

  • Can be split where there are multiple owners, resulting in higher deductions for each owner
  • Are pro-rata calculated to enable exact deductions for each year

Why choose BMT?

Thumbs-up solid BMT blue

ATO compliance

Our schedules have never failed an ATO audit

User tie solid BMT blue


We are the depreciation specialists

hard hat solid BMT blue

Site inspections

Our specialist staff find every available deduction

Flat solid BMT blue

Australia-wide service

We will complete the schedule no matter where the property is located

Hear from Chris Chaing, Manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers, on why BMT is his preferred supplier of tax depreciation schedules

The essential piece to helping clients claim more

Order your free tax depreciation accountant kit now.

Free tools and resources designed specifically for accountants, to demonstrate the benefits of depreciation:

  • A co-branded tax depreciation calculator for your website
  • Case studies for a variety of property types
  • Educational tax depreciation brochures in digital and print format
  • A ‘What is tax depreciation?’ video
  • A monthly article on tax depreciation for use on your blog or in emails
  • An educational HTML email to send out to your clients
  • A monthly social media post on tax depreciation
  • An overview of a BMT Tax Depreciation Schedule and sample schedules
  • Educational brochures outlining BMT's commercial capability
  • A technical presentation on tax depreciation, recorded for internal staff training
  • A CGT and depreciation brochure

Everything you need to manage tax depreciation, and more

MyBMT allows you to manage depreciation schedules, estimate depreciation and more.


Tax Depreciation Calculator

BMT Tax Depreciation Calculator

Estimate depreciation deductions for your residential and commercial clients.

Use it now
Rate Finder

BMT Rate Finder

Find the effective life and depreciable rate of residential or commerical plant and equipment assets.

Use it now

Need a depreciation expert for your next event?

From staff development days through to client events, our depreciation experts are experienced presenters who can cover a range of depreciation topics.

Book Now

Case studies

Unit purchase price:
House purchase price:
Shop purchase price:
Winery constructed for:
$4.5 million
Unit purchase price:
House purchase price:
Shop purchase price:
Winery constructed for:
$4.5 million

Blog articles

Contact us

Find out more about depreciation